Hello everyone!
It has been such a long time since I have posted anything on here. Life has changed for me so much in so many years. The best change has been how I feel about myself. I love myself a lot more and I have learned a lot about who I am and what I can contribute to those that I care about. Life truly is different and for the better. Super fabulous!!!
I hope that all of you have felt that your lives have grown and changed in really wonderful ways too. Oh, I'm not saying that you haven't had some rough times or that life hasn't been tough, but I'm hoping that parts of your journeyings have been filled with really wonderful moments. Glowing, happy, glittering moments.
My latest adventure has been getting into photography. It has brought me closer to who I am, what I love, and what I want to share with others. I'm not sure yet where it will take me, but I'm just enjoying the journey.
Another thing that has become so different is not focusing on the external, but focusing on the internal growth and learning. It has been quite the journey. I wish that I had written more along the way to help anyone that might have struggled as I have. It hasn't been an easy journey. I have felt hurt, anguish, sadness, frustration, and anger. On the flip side, I have also experienced incredible joy, gratitude, peace, patience, and comfort. For the last several years I was serving in my church and I set aside my writing to focus my energy in that service. I'm grateful for the opportunity because I grew immensely from the experience and I hope that I can relate some of that through my future writing.
I hope to post on this blog some of the things I have learned and what I continue to learn. We can all use the help or thoughts of another from time to time right? I hope I can learn from you too.